
    Please welcome the members who joined in August

    By Barbara Kroczak, 09/01/2024

    Please welcome the following members who joined in August:

    Eric Haiman
    Donna Haiman
    John Herndon
    Christopher Dobbins
    Elyce Dobbins
    Gillian  Harrington 
    Lucille Allen
    Victoria Harrington
    Evie House
    Michael Treiberg
    Katie Manyak
    Trey Burdick
    Patsy Burdick
    Deb Shuford
    Debra Baker
    Joyce Miller
    Lynn  Baker
    John Shuford
    Dana Bruce
    Angela Wooton
    Todd J Hoida
    Sarah Sostrin
    Stephen Droginsd
    Andreas Groos
    Patricia Lopez
    Emiliano Carrasco-Zanini
    Austyn Smith
    Leslie  Jensen 
    Jane Lawver-Seid
    Clarise Brady



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    Please welcome members who joined in July

    By Barbara Kroczak, 08/01/2024

    Please welcome the following members who joined in July:


    Sandra Alves
    Steve Dolan
    Allison Head
    Christine Weber
    Dawn Black
    Timothy Webb
    Martin Polt
    Linda Lind
    TournamentsEventsCourt NewsRules & BylawsMoney MattersPark NewsThanks & KudosMember News

    Cancelled: Friday Night Lights today 7/19/24

    By Jim Doolittle, 07/19/2024

    With the continued High Temperatures, it has been decided to cancel the Friday Night Lights program for tonight.

    We will attempt to have play next Friday, weather permitting,

    Much Thanks, 

    Jim Doolittle, coordinator

    TournamentsEventsCourt NewsRules & BylawsMoney MattersPark NewsThanks & KudosMember News

    Paddle donations needed for Introductory classes

    By Jim Doolittle, 07/19/2024

    With the continued interest in our “Beginner Pickleball” program, (2nd & 4th Fridays @ 5:30pm)  the need for more paddles for these players has come up.

    If you have an old pickleball paddle in your bag or closet, I’d like to ask you to consider paying it forward to the GVPC.

     You can just bring them with you to “Club Play Time” and leave them in the green storage box .

      Thanks for your help!

      Jim Doolittle

      Beginner Program Coordinator..


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    Please welcome the new members who joined in June 2024

    By Barbara Kroczak, 07/01/2024
    Adele Lee
    Michael Albano
    James Webb
    Vince Dallugge
    Shauna Cohenour
    Bernice Kochis
    Kurtis Semanko
    Jev Velez
    John Johnson
    Marina Clayton
    Kelly McLoughlin
    Peadar McLoughlin 
    Brian  Neal
    Sonya Neal
    Gloria Capron
    Justin Van De Pitte
    Pablo Medina
    Sarah Blondeau
    Russ Wilder
    June Wilson 
    Steve Wilson
    TournamentsEventsCourt NewsRules & BylawsMoney MattersPark NewsThanks & KudosMember News